The application of an evaporation machine means that distilled water can be obtained from waste solutions deriving from industrial processes, concentrating the solution with the purpose of recovering dissolved salts or simply to reduce disposal volumes (for lower disposal costs).
The distillation process occurs in one or more reactors under vacuum, powered by a heat source (hot water/vapour boilers or heat pumps). Operation in a vacuum means that temperatures required for waste to boil are below 40°C and this enables considerable energy savings for the production of the distilled water.
The distilled water obtained from the evaporation process is pure water, free from salts and pollutants and is therefore suitable for full recycling in production processes. Based on the type and characteristics of treated waste liquid, 97-98% of distilled water can be recovered.
Evaporators provided by ITALPLANT are functional machines, built using latest generation technologies and parts which simplify and reduce maintenance operations for the operator.
Their operation is continuous and fully automated,
both the the loading of liquid and the discharge of concentrate and distilled water, as well as all other functions which are managed by PLC with touch screen panel for the programming and display of functional parameters.
The range of ITALPLANT Evaporation machines includes: