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Ion Exchange Resin Lines

For the production of demineralised water, free from salts, directly from tap water, or recycled for industrial rinsing processes, ITALPLANT proposes a vast range of high performance Ion Exchange Resin Lines.

The demineralisation process involves passing water over columns containing cationic and then anionic resins, sequentially. This process frees water from all the ions it contains.

Cationic resins capture cations, Anionic resins capture anions and the resulting water is called deionised (or demineralised) water.

The ionic exchange process is cyclic.  The solution requiring treatment is passed several times through the resin, until the latter runs out.

Spent resins need to be regenerated with a suitable acid and alkaline solution which restores it to original operating conditions.

During the regeneration phase a solution called “eluate” is produced: it contains all pollutants captured by resins during operation. This is the final waste product, which must be stocked and then disposed of by specialised companies, or treated using a chemical/physical plant or with an evaporator.

In Resin Lines produced by ITALPLANT, all exercise phases are controlled by electronic instrumentation and automatically managed by PLC equipped with a touch screen panel.

Multi-way valves are not used to manage processing phases, only single valves with actuated command are used. A reliable and durable solution over time, highlighting the innovation and construction quality of our creations.

We build the following kinds of Ionic exchange Resin lines:

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